Jewelry Designs

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ALEXANDRITE is known for its ability to change colors

 Alexandrite is created from a very rare mineral called Chrysoberyl. Alexandrite also includes properties such as Chromium.  The most sensational feature about this stone is its surprising ability to change its color. Green or bluish-green in daylight, alexandrite turns a soft shade of red, purplish-red or raspberry red in incandescent light. The unique color change habit of Alexandrite is caused by slight impurities of the element chromium. The most desirable colors of Alexandrite are those that show a clearly visible pure hue color change, such as a pure green/blue in daylight to a pure red in incandescent light.

Legend has it that the gemstone was discovered on the future Czar Alexander II's birthday and was named in his honor by the mineralogist Nils Nordenskjold, though the factual nature of this is disputed.  Alexandrite was originally discovered in the Sanarka River in the southern Ural Mountains of Russia.  Small deposits were subsequently found in Sri Lanka (Ceylon), and until the 1980's these were the only two sources of this rare gemstone. Since then, new deposits have been discovered in Brazil, Tanzania, and Madagascar, with the Brazilian sources being the most significant.

Alexandrite is believed to enhance the rebirth of inner and outer self, promotes awareness, and helps fighting low self-esteem. 

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