Jewelry Designs

Thursday, April 28, 2011

AMETRINE…….an elite gemstone with one major source in the world

Ametrine is a mix of two distinct minerals, the first being Amethyst and the second being Citrine. Ametrine is sometimes referred to Trystine and has a commercial name called Bolivianite.  A truly gorgeous gemstone, Ametrine, usually has several colors present which can include a deep dark violet or purple, orange and yellow.  Each Ametrine has its combination of colors in a different pattern.  

Ametrine is among an elite group of gemstones, because as of now there is just one major source of this treasure in the world.  Only available commercially available for a little more than 25 years, it first was sold commercially in 1980, when Ametrine was put on the market by the Anahi Mine in Bolivia. The Anahi Mine in Bolivia is the major world producer of ametrine. Named after Anahi princess from the Ayoreos tribe who was married to a Spanish conquistador and the Anahi Mine was given as dowry. The mine became famous in the seventeenth century.  Ametrine can be found in very small quantities in other places such as India and Brazil.

Many believe that Ametrine contains the powers of amethyst and citrine in one stone. It is believed that Ametrine helps in achieving a balance between the spiritual and the material world.  Ametrine is said to give higher mental opening for meditation, inspiration and spiritual enlightenment.

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Kazuri offers unique programs for non-profit organizations to utilize Kazuri beads to raise funds. The beauty of the hand crafted beads, the story of Kazuri and the popularity of the beads make this a profitable and rewarding opportunity for any organization.

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