Jewelry Designs

Saturday, May 7, 2011

AVENTURINE is known as the “Power Stone”

Aventurine is mainly quartz, a quartzite, usually containing mica.  The most common color of aventurine is green, but it may also be orange, brown, yellow, blue, or gray.  Depending on the mineral that bonds to the stone's surface, different reflective effects are achieved, and different colors are produced.  Aventurine is often banded and an overabundance of fuchsite may render it opaque

The history of the name "Aventurine " is interesting as it was derived from an accident. Sometime during the 18th century, Venetian glass workers were preparing molten glass when copper filings accidentally fell into the batch producing a glass with sparkles. The name Aventurine comes from the Italian word "a ventura," which means “by chance".  Aventurine is found in India, Chile, Spain, Russia, Brazil, Austria, and Tanzania. 

Legends say that Aventurine is used to reduce stress, develop confidence, imagination and improve prosperity. A legend from ancient Tibet says that Aventurine was used to improve nearsightedness and to increase the wearer's creativity. While green aventurine beads is associated with good luck and assistance in leadership initiatives, blue aventurine beads is thought to aid insight, the cultivation of patience, and bodily detoxification.

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Kazuri offers unique programs for non-profit organizations to utilize Kazuri beads to raise funds. The beauty of the hand crafted beads, the story of Kazuri and the popularity of the beads make this a profitable and rewarding opportunity for any organization.

Sage Jewels welcomes the opportunity to work with non-profit organizations in the development of a unique jewelry design for your fundraising efforts.