Jewelry Designs

Friday, July 8, 2011

It is said to enhance one’s spiritual path......

This rare mineral, Charoite, was discovered in Russia in 1947 by a Russian and the West came to know by 1978. The name Charoite is derived from the Chara River which is near where it was found.  The name of this gemstone means “charm” or “magic”. It forms when limestone is infused with a unique composition of an alkali rich nephline syenite intrustion, this mixed with the right combination of heat, pressure and times, only occurs in one place the Murun Mountains.

Charoite has a silky shine; its colors range from bright lavender, violet and lilac to dark purple with swirling patterns of black, oranges and greens.  The blacks are inclusions of Augite, the greens are from the Feldspars and the oranges are from the Tinaksite. 

Charoite is said to enhance self-esteem, accelerate spiritual growth, and improve the ability to love.  It helps to walk on spiritual path with awareness and manifests soul's wisdom and light in daily life.  Charoite helps seeing old patterns with new possibilities. It is believed to open the heart, allow inspiration, encourage service, and grants us the ability for seeing more clearly (mentally, physically, and psychically).

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Kazuri offers unique programs for non-profit organizations to utilize Kazuri beads to raise funds. The beauty of the hand crafted beads, the story of Kazuri and the popularity of the beads make this a profitable and rewarding opportunity for any organization.

Sage Jewels welcomes the opportunity to work with non-profit organizations in the development of a unique jewelry design for your fundraising efforts.